


November Exam timetable 2024

January Exam timetable 2025

Summer Exam timetable 2025

Summer Exam timetable 2025

Information for Candidates

Information for candidates sitting GCSE’s is available in the document below

Information for candidates 2025.pdf

Statement of entries will be given out to the pupils sitting the exams in each series. If for any reason your child has not received a statement of entry and they are due to sit one of the exams, can you please email exams@cefnsaeson.school

Seating plans will be displayed in the noticeboard outside the Auditorium on the day of the exam.

Please ensure your child has the correct stationary with them for the exams. Black pens must be used.


Examination Equipment

Candidates are responsible for providing their own equipment for examinations. This should include the following –

* Clear pencil case (a plastic pocket or clear plastic container will also be acceptable)
* Black ink ball point pens x 3
* Pencils x 2
* Eraser
* Pencil Sharpener
* Ruler
* Protractor
* Compass
* Highlighters
* Assorted coloured pencils
* Calculator

Examination Rules & Behaviour

Candidates should familiarise themselves with the following documents. The rules and regulations must be adhered to, with no exception.

IFC-Coursework_Assessments_2024 – 2025_FINAL (1).pdf

IFC-NE_Assessments_2024 – 2025_FINAL.pdf

IFC-On-Screen_Examinations_2024 – 2025_FINAL.pdf

IFC-Written_Examinations_Sep2024 – 2025_FINAL.pdf


JCQ-Preparing-to-sit-your-exams-2024 – 2025.pdf


Late arrival procedure 2024/25.pdf

Fluid correctors such as ‘Tippex’ are not permitted for use in examinations.

Mobile phones and any devices capable of connecting to the internet, or with a storage capacity, including MP3 devices, and ‘SmartWatches’ ARE NOT permitted in the examination hall. Wrist watches of any description are no longer permitted.

All prohibited items must be securely stored in the candidate’s bag, or handed to an invigilator before the examination starts.

Any unauthorised materials discovered after the exam has started will be confiscated and a written report will be submitted to the examination boards in accordance with their rules.

Further information may be found on the JCQ website here

Revision Sessions
Cefn Saeson has run after-school and holiday revision sessions for a number of years, and pupils should see their individual subject teachers for dates and times of these sessions.

The sessions are of great benefit to students, increasing their confidence and giving them the ability to achieve their very best in their GCSE’s.

In addition there are a number of online revision guides available for free, including the BBC Bitesize website here

CAT Testing – Example Questions
CAT Testing is currently done in year 7 during the Autumn term. The tests help us to understand pupils’ developed abilities, their likely academic potential and learning preferences

To see example questions that are in the CAT tests, please click here