The SENC – (Secondary Education Nurture Centre) is a Neath Port Talbot County Provision that accepts pupils from across the borough, who may be disengaged in mainstream education or under threat of permanent exclusion. Although we are based at Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School the SENC provision runs independently of the main school. Our aim at the SENC is to enable young people to develop their self-esteem and confidence by engaging them in an alternative curriculum that challenges them appropriately. We strive to build and maintain a nurturing environment where students can thrive in a range of vocational activities and interventions, whilst differentiating mainstream work, making education accessible to all. We work closely with many external agencies ensuring an appropriate level of pastoral and therapeutic support is provided for our students, thus, enabling them to find alternative ways of expressing themselves and adapting to more socially accepted behaviour.
Our provision employs experienced and dedicated staff from a variety of specialist backgrounds who have a wealth of knowledge and skills. Working with pupils who present additional difficulties is our passion and we strive to facilitate positive change to ensure pupils are capable of reintegrating to mainstream education. Staff at the SENC aim to build and maintain positive professional relationships with students and families alike. We aim to help students flourish in life, not just education.
Pupils who are identified to attend the SENC are proposed by their current school to do so after their base school submits supporting documentation showing how they have tried various interventions to support the pupil in the mainstream setting. Once a pupil has been accepted into the SENC the ultimate aim is to support them returning to their mainstream school, undertaking a mainstream timetable.
Curriculum and Accreditation Opportunities
The curriculum offered at the SENC reflects the New Successful Futures (2015) document that is changing the face of Education in Wales as we know it so that …”the curriculum includes all the learning experiences and assessment activities planned in pursuit of agreed purposes of education.” Students will undertake tasks in the following areas:
- Expressive arts Area of Learning and Experience
- Health and well-being Area of Learning and Experience
- Humanities Area of Learning and Experience
- Languages, literacy and communication Area of Learning and Experience
- Mathematics and numeracy Area of Learning and Experience
- Science and technology Area of Learning and Experience
- Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)Students work in small groups, usually no larger than 6 with a staff ratio of 1:3. With small classes and dedicated staff, students are provided with the support needed to ensure that developments are made socially, emotionally and academically.
A vital aspect of student development is communication between home, school and any agencies working with the families. Rewards and sanctions are given, in accordance with the culture for learning which was created in collaboration with our students. It is important to celebrate successes and discuss areas for improvement in order for our students to reach their potential. Below you will find an example of our home school agreement, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with it.
Home School Agreement
- Students to attend the SENC every week day, parents must notify SENC staff if their child is ill or have medical appointments
- Show respect to others and be polite
- Use appropriate language (no swearing) at all times
- Not to enter into the main school (Cefn Saeson) areas, other than when directed or accompanied by a member of SENC staff
- Wear the correct uniform and follow the dress code, remove coats/hoodies when requested
- Pupils should not use their mobile phones or be receiving communications during lesson time. In an emergency parents or carers can contact the SENC directly, on the number provided.
- Engage and work to the best of their ability & attempt all tasks
- Not to smoke or bring any illicit substance or paraphernalia onto site
- To complete any Homework by the set deadlinePastoral Support and Target Setting
Each pupil has an appointed mentor with whom the spend some 1:1 time with on a fortnightly basis, this mentor is the liaison with the pupils base school and home in the first instance and is also the person who completed the students weekly diary. This keeps the base school informed of how the student is engaging with work and the SENC as a whole and also documents the weekly targets of which each pupil will be aware of as they identified the target as an area that needs and they want to improve. - A supporting counsellor accesses the provision weekly so that pupils can self-refer to access support if they feel necessary and we also have our own Careers advisor who visits weekly.
Support and Careers - Twice yearly reviews take place for students in which parents/ carers are invited along with all other agencies involved with the student to consider the progress and reflect on what is needed and most importantly what the student need for the future.
- All pupils have separate to this an IEP/PSP which with the implementation of IDP’s will mirror the specific targets set by the student and show strategies and ways that the SENC are hoping to support the student.
Culture for Learning
Within the center we have a culture for learning which alongside the staff the pupils have developed themselves. Students can gain three green points in a day in lessons these total up and once a student has gained 20 they receive a reward of their choice such a going to play pool for an hour.
Most pupils are provided with transportation to and from the SENC, this is usually on a shared minibus provision or taxi that is coordinated by passenger transport
The DSL for the SENC is Caroline Bell – any concerns or disclosures made by students are reported by staff verbally in the first instance then written up on onto an electronic Welfare Concern form which is then seen by the DSL or the deputy who will then in the first instance if appropriate speak with parents & carers. If deemed necessary it will then be passed it onto the pupils base school DSL, other agencies involved with the student and Children Services, If you have any safeguarding issues that you would like to raise please contact Childrens Services SPOC team 01639 686803.
Daily routines @ the SENC
A typical day at the SENC would start off with a 15 minute breakfast club, where students can fuel their bodies and their brains with some toast and a hot or cold drink. This gives the students a chance to chat with the team and raise any concerns before the lessons start.
First lesson will usually start at 10:15 and run through to 10:50. We find short focused lessons with small breaks in between help our students maintain the level of focus needed to complete tasks.
Second lesson starts at 11:00 and finishes at 11:45, at which point students will have time for lunch and some fresh air. The afternoon sessions vary, normal practice is to complete a further 30 minutes of work, usually vocational, followed by an option of a reward, educational games, art work, sports or further Math’s and English for those aiming to sit their GCSE’s.
The school day finishes at 14:00.
Below is an example timetable of a typical week at the SENC:
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
9.55am – 10.10am | Breakfast | Breakfast | Breakfast | Breakfast | Breakfast |
10.10am – 10.50am | Maths
Theme |
Forest Schools
Maths English
Theme |
Theme Reviews
10.50am -11.05am | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break |
11.05am -11.45am | Maths
Theme |
Forest Schools
Maths English |
Theme |
11.45am -12.30pm | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
12.30pm -1.00pm | Princes Trust
Science Practical
Forest Schools Cooking
Vocational/Options | Football
Hair & Beauty Cooking
1.00pm-2.00pm | Princes Trust
Outdoor activity Rewards |
Science Practical
Forest Schools Cooking
Outdoor activity Rewards
Options |
Hair & Beauty Cooking Outdoor activity Rewards |