Cefn Season will be making their annual donation of food to Neath Foodbank by the end of this half term.
Foods required:
Dried pasta(Any variety) , Custard , Tinned tomatoes, Tinned Cream , Tinned Beans, Tinned fruits, Tinned veg, Tinned meat, Hot dogs, Sugar, Flour, Biscuits, Pasta sauces, Curry sauces, Dried noodles, Couscous, Rice, Stir fry sauces, Tinned tuna/ salmon, Corned beef, Cereals, Tinned potatoes, Tinned kidney beans , Tinned rice pudding , Tinned spaghetti, Tinned Pies, Long life milk and bottles of squash etc.
Any non-perishable food items
Pupils are asked to give their donations to their form teacher.
(last date for donations is Wed 19th Oct).