Oakwood Park 2022 Letter to parents.pdf
Dear Parent / Guardian / Carer
The Year 7 and 8 end of year reward trip to Oakwood Park takes place on Thursday 7th July 2022.
We will be leaving Cefn Saeson at 8.30 am in order to arrive at Oakwood Park by approximately
10.00 am. This will allow time for a short service stop if needed.
Pupils are not required to wear uniform. Weather dependent, pupils will need to bring sun cream
and a sunhat or a rain coat. Pupils will need to bring a large towel and a warm change of clothing if
they intend on going on water rides.
Pupils will also need to bring a packed lunch and a drink; those pupils who are entitled to free school
meals can be provided with a packed lunch should they require it. Pupils must indicate to their form
tutor if they require a free school meal.
Pupils may bring a small amount of money, to purchase food
and drinks / merchandise from the park.
We will be leaving Oakwood Park at 5pm and will arrive back at Cefn Saeson at approximately
6.30pm, therefore if the pupil usually catches a school bus, arrangements will need to be made.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Year, if you have any queries.
R Martin (Head of Year 7) and L Chilcott (Head of Year 8)