A message from the School Community Senedd…
In order to ‘reuse- reduce – recycle’ we will be holding a Cefn Saeson clothing upcycle.
This will take place this week (outside reprographics), during form time on Tuesday – Friday. Items include, coats, bags, school jumpers, PE kit, shoes and other uniform items in a variety of sizes.
We ask pupils to make a £3 contribution for each item with all contributions going in to school fund to support pupil experiences. This will not be on parentpay so pupils will need to bring cash for this sale.
Many thanks
A message from the School Community Senedd…
In order to ‘reuse- reduce – recycle’ we will be holding a Cefn Saeson clothing upcycle.
This will take place this week (outside reprographics), during form time on Tuesday – Friday. Items include, coats, bags, school jumpers, PE kit, shoes and other uniform items in a variety of sizes.
We ask pupils to make a £3 contribution for each item with all contributions going in to school fund to support pupil experiences. This will not be on parentpay so pupils will need to bring cash for this sale.
Many thanks