We pride ourselves on our ability to meet the needs of all our learners. We care about achievement and encourage our students to care. We believe that by getting to know each individual we are able to make the best provision for their welfare and progress. We have high expectations with regard to student attendance, punctuality, appearance, behaviour and respect for others.
Class Charts 
At Cefn Saeson we use the online communication system, ClassCharts for all school communication. Via ClassCharts you will be able to access all communications, including information about the school calendar, Parent’s Evening bookings, school trip and other relevant school information. You will also be sent individual correspondence including messages about your child’s progress, homework, behaviour, rewards and sanctions.
Your child will also have their own Class Charts account to track and monitor their progress, view their timetable, homework and much more.
During your child’s first week at Cefn Saeson, they and you will be sent a unique access code to register for an account. To access ClassCharts you can download the iOS and Android app or access via an internet browser (with email alerts when you receive a message). If you have more than one child, you can access Class Charts information about your children from a single, centralised parent account.
Pupil Wellbeing – PAWB
The school is a well ordered and disciplined environment, focused on learning and achievement. Students are expected to demonstrate maturity, self-discipline and self-control.
Every student is allocated a form tutor who plays an important role in guiding students. They are guided and supported by Heads of Year, who are an important communication link for parents.
‘CAREDIG’ is a safe and highly structured environment that meets the nurture, pastoral and educational needs of our pupils. It is a place of sanctuary at a critical time in a pupils’ life or an opportunity to bring about resolution of situations or circumstances affecting pupils’ potential to learn and to succeed.
School Based Counsellor – we are very fortunate to have the services of a qualified counsellor. The school counsellor is at Cefn Saeson for 2 days a week at present, and pupils are free to refer themselves for private and confidential counselling.
Pupils and parents are requested to sign a home-school agreement, which is intended to develop the positive aspects and benefits of links between the school, parents and pupils.
The teaching of matters relating to personal and social education, including sex education, is shared by a number of departments, notably Science, Technology, Religious Education, Physical Education and Pastoral/Guidance staff. We are also supported by a network of external agencies.
Additional Learning Needs
Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School are at the forefront of ALN reform.
At Cefn Saeson we seek to encourage, enable and empower all our pupils to contribute and achieve success. Our guiding principle is one of inclusion. All pupils with a statement have full access to National Curriculum subjects. Annual reviews are conducted in line with the Additional Learning Needs code of practice. Pupils who have a specific diagnosis receive support on a withdrawal basis. Details of how individual pupils receive support are recorded on their Individual Developmental