Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of our Christmas celebrations we are giving year 8 pupils the opportunity to attend a
trip to the Gwyn Hall cinema on 22nd of December. We will be leaving school at 12 o’clock
and they will be taken to the hall by bus. Parents will need to pick up their children at 3
o’clock from the hall.
There will be members of staff accompanying the children on the journey and during the
show. In line with school behavioural policy, pupils who are on a behaviour card or have
amassed 20 negative points will not be eligible to attend the trip.
The cost of the trip is £10 and is to be paid via ParentPay which is open now. If you are
unable to pay through parent pay, please contact the school office to acquire a SV2 form to
give permission for your child to attend and for a parent pay voucher so that you can pay in
applicable shops. This charge covers the price of the ticket and the bus journey (one way) to
get to the Gwyn hall. Pupils will also be provided with a free Coca-Cola and popcorn.
Please ensure that the permission slip is signed and that your and your child’s mobile
number is also provided in case we need to contact them on the day.
Yours sincerely